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Thursday, February 17, 2011

My “Mac” Experience…Part 3

Yesterday we left off with the fact that PC users will find the Mac seems a little backwards to them. Not technologically but literally. I must say that it was a snap connecting to my network and wireless printer. But this is where things get a little dicey. Keep in mind that I had never so much as laid hands on a Mac before this so cut me a little slack. At any rate, I wanted the Mac to be part of my existing home network which up to this point consisted of nothing but PC’s. To this end, I started changing permissions on the Mac. Unfortunately, my inner control freak got the better of me and I decided to try and change the permissions on the entire hard drive. NEVER, I repeat NEVER do this on a Mac! Much to my dismay, I got a slew of extension errors which I said ok to and ignored. I then tried to restart the machine…tried being the key word here. Upon restart I got what I have seen others refer to as the “pinwheel of death”, which is an apt description. After waiting for what seemed like hours with no progress I restarted. Again, the same result. Ok no biggie. I’ll reinstall the operating system. That went smoothly enough. Again I tried changing the permissions. Yes, I can be a little stubborn and dense at times. Same result…after 3 tries I finally Googled the issue and found the answer. I know I stated this before but it bears repeating. NEVER try to change the permissions on the entire hard drive! Apparently it scrambles the file system beyond repair and the only choice is to reinstall the operating system. Lesson learned; the hard way I might add. But hey, I got a lot of experience installing the Mac OS which is a good thing. I will end Part 3 here. Tune in tomorrow for the 4th and final chapter in my Mac series. J

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